Registration is open for 2018!
It's not yet the end of 2017 and already we are itching for summertime. Before we get too ahead of ourselves, there are a few things coming up before sailing lessons begin next summer.You will find us (and your winter sailing fix, both youth and adults) at the Winter Education Series at Sheboygan Yacht Club this season. Learn some new skills and see familiar faces! Stay tuned for more information regarding our spring High School Sailing Team as well - we will practicing as soon as the ice melts and meeting well before that.
Below are important dates for SYSC - mark your calendars:
- November 28th - Registration Opens!
- June 2nd - 2nd Annual Lakefront Open House
- June 11th - SYSC Opens (Start of Session 1)
- June 18th - Session 2
- June 25th - Session 3
- July 2nd - July 6th - NO Classes
- July 3rd - Venetian Night at SYC
- July 4th - Independence Day Parade!
- July 9th - Session 4 (Start of Windsurfing/Paddleboard Lessons)
- July 16th - Session 5
- July 16th-July 19th - Sail Sheboygan and SYSC host Area K Qualifiers for Sears (Sonar), Bemis (420), Smythe (Laser Radial)
- July 23rd - Session 6
- July 30th - Session 7
- August 6th - Session 8 (Final Session)
- August 27th - Adult Fall Classes and High School Sailing begins
- ...updates to come!
We look forward to seeing you on the water in 2018!