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This is where you’ll find announcements about updates from our programs, exciting news from our lakefront partners, new registration dates and class cancellations. 



IT'S SUMMER TIME! This means our youth and adult classes are in full swing! Sign up now and get out on the water! Our instructors are excited to see new, and returning faces!

Meet Our New Staff

SYSC is excited to announce that we have many new staff members with us this summer! They will be teaching our youth classes and are eager to be working with the sailors this summer. To learn more about them, head to our "Instructors" page, or click here.

July at SYSC

A large group of SYSC sailors and staff showed their pride for America and SYSC in Sheboygan’s 4th of July Parade last Wednesday. We greatly appreciate everyone who volunteered to help decorate the float or walk in the parade and those who donated candy!  The staff had a relaxing week off of classes enjoying the beautiful weather, but now it’s back to work.